The Phoenix Saga, Cha.1

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Hirsute Maximus Spanner...I do Technical Me ;)
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The Phoenix Saga, Cha.1

Post by Hairy_Mark »

Long ago,
in the depths of time, when boy-bands had ascended to their zenith, but thankfully were in decline, something happened. It may not have been momentous to some, but to one ordinary man, as his body and soul were thrown headlong down the unforgiving tarmac of the B5302, it meant everything. His trusty steed had made every effort to negotiate the sharp bend, blinded as it was by the low glare of a winter's watery sun. Still it low-sided, scrabbling frantically for purchase on the frigid metalled surface. As if in mourning for the loss of it's now unconscious rider, it threw itself wildly into the oblivion of the dark and marshy verge, many meters down the sinuous and unforgiving tarmac.
This is the start of a sequence of events that lead to our present and troubled times. It is the heart-warming, or maybe sick-making, story of one man's love and devotion to his noble beast. For those in the know, the idiot rider's name is Mark. Not a vain-glorious title, but the one he is unfortunately saddled with. His proud and noble mare is Bella, an Italian thoroughbred of 998 cc's. Our anti-hero has agreed to pen these few lines himself. Bear with him, as he is a bit like Pooh-bear, a being of very little brain....His feeble meanderings will endeavour to show how his faithful chariot arose like a fire-spitting phoenix from the ashes of a sad and damp asbestos stable, in which it lay, mortally wounded, for many long years.
Take a look at the post, 'Here's Bella'. It shows the result of Mark's (wish he had a more dashing name) dedicated, but incomplete ministrations. Pictures of the devastated Bella are too shocking to be posted here. Will Mark (Marcus or Maximus would definitely sound better) ever coax Bella back to fitness? Will his vision, encaptured in the dream vision 'Virtual Raptor', ever become reality? Will you become bored, or mentally deranged in the process? Will Mark lapse into drivelling senility before the end of The Phoenix Saga? Will he get banned from the web-site and have to be referred to a psychiatrist?
Only time will give us the answers to these and other more pressing questions, such as, 'Do I need to go to the loo?'

Read on, brave and valient readers....the idiot will write again.

Dammit, I'm going to see if I can change my login name to 'Hairy Maximus'. No, that doesn't sound quite right, I know that a 'hirsute hyperborean homuncule' is a small hairy Norhern man, but that's not it either. Perhaps 'Hirsute Maximus'?, now that's got a ring to it. Can I change my login name Snap, or am I already barred?
Legal disclaimer :
The author has recently been declared sane.
He thanks Dr Foster for this and hopes his
clothes dry out after the puddle incident.
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