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Pissed off

Posted: |May 12th, 2015|, 12:19 am
by norrie
Day off today and the weather is shite. :angry:
Only just taxed the bike as I haven't been out on it yet this year and well and truly fed up. Think I will just get drunk instead. :drunk:
So who's going to join me in a wee drink or two?

Re: Pissed off

Posted: |May 12th, 2015|, 5:49 am
by Miz
Sorry, I'm one step ahead, dogs decided to go to the pub at lunchtime...

Re: Pissed off

Posted: |May 12th, 2015|, 6:03 am
by shebee
Awww... Sending some of our sunshine your way x

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Re: Pissed off

Posted: |May 12th, 2015|, 7:05 pm
by ozzraptor
Sorry, cant drink and ride

Re: Pissed off

Posted: |May 13th, 2015|, 8:13 am
by Spyke
I missed that round, but it's time I cashed in my "holy epic thread revival" winnings anyway, so this rounds on me. I'll just have a large cafe au lait as I'm going riding today, but you guys go nuts.

Sorry to hear you missed out on Sunday norrie, at least living in the borders you should have some long summer nights coming, I wouldn't mind a poke of chips with a big dod of chippy sauce!

Re: Pissed off

Posted: |May 17th, 2015|, 1:30 am
by norrie
Mmmmm salt and sauce. :nod:

Re: Pissed off

Posted: |May 17th, 2015|, 10:53 am
by Spyke
I'm hankering after a nice greasy Scotch pie now, haven't had one of them for ages. Irn Bru and Scotch eggs are easy enough to find down here, but the Scottish Ghetto is about 30km away if I feel the need for deep fried stodge.