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Bar is open...

Posted: |November 27th, 2017|, 5:30 am
by shebee
I have just had a few days in hospital (at very short notice, it wasn't supposed to be until January) and am now the proud owner of new bits of metal in my legs... this time a replacement knee... need alcohol to counteract the :rant: physioterrorist's "gentle" exercises to get all the movement for back on the road with the Raptor in the spring so who's joining me? :woot:

:drunk: :drunk: :beer:

Re: Bar is open...

Posted: |November 27th, 2017|, 6:14 am
by andybaggies
Splendid, I'll join you for a couple of snifters & a gas.

Seems to me getting the op done early is good thing. Plenty of time to get fighting fit for spring

Re: Bar is open...

Posted: |November 27th, 2017|, 6:56 am
by shebee
Early is good but 2 weeks was a bit short notice to do everything that i needed to drive for before xmas (no driving/riding for 6 weeks). At the pre op the nurse was saying take it easy for the week before so you are not exhausted before the op... fat kin chance, the day before I was finishing painting the bedroom, getting the van mot and new tyres, a full shopping expedition and a dentist appointment :roll: . But its done and seems to,have gone well, out of hospital in48 hours and i have already got close to the knee bend i need to ride... if only by serious wincing :oops:

Mulled wine I think now :woot:

Re: Bar is open...

Posted: |November 28th, 2017|, 7:04 am
by susibee
hi sheebee, what are you drinking, I'll get them in.................

Take it easy for now and try to smile sweetly at the physioterrorist. I'm sure they will have no idea what you're thinking :ouch:

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Re: Bar is open...

Posted: |November 28th, 2017|, 9:59 am
by raptor996
A Guinness and Port should do the trick. Hope you have a speedy recovery cheers.

Re: Bar is open...

Posted: |November 29th, 2017|, 9:42 pm
by Aussiejoe
I bloody hope they put a titanium one in Shebee, so when you're using it as a knee slider it throws off sparks and no one is game to pass you :lol: Shame I missed the forewarning on your op, you know I would of been happy to swap places with you and you had my "little procedure" done on you instead.................then I'd like to see you keen on riding your bike, and you'd be drinking 10 times the amount of alcohol to relieve the pain :thumbsup: So where does one strap the walking frame to the Raptor when you go for a ride, I'm trying to work that out so I can take Yaya for a ride on mine :mrgreen:

Re: Bar is open...

Posted: |November 30th, 2017|, 8:37 am
by shebee
Aussiejoe wrote: 6 years ago So where does one strap the walking frame to the Raptor when you go for a ride, I'm trying to work that out so I can take Yaya for a ride on mine :mrgreen:
I havent tried it on the raptor but the crutches i used to strap across the bars on the harley :ride: HTH :nerner:

Re: Bar is open...

Posted: |November 30th, 2017|, 3:05 pm
by norrie
Speedy recovery.

Re: Bar is open...

Posted: |December 11th, 2017|, 9:13 pm
by nickst4
Blimey; I'm looking to replace the fork legs (the insides anyway) on my Raptor this winter, but replacing your own legs seems a bit radical! Heal quickly and hopefully you'll be able to wrap your ankles around your ears and fit any bike, maybe even an MV multi! Not that you'd want to, of course, being a vee-twin gal...
