In need for info on how to adjust mixture(Anyone with teka/power commander,or a plug?)

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In need for info on how to adjust mixture(Anyone with teka/power commander,or a plug?)

Post by Dante »

I have a 650ie for 5 years.
Because I've done quite a lot kms and I've also fitted cans and air filter,the idle mixture is lean and the ride at 3000-3500 rpms is awful.You cant literally commute with the bike.
I made my own yoshi box and adjust the idle at +5%.Also added +5% at low-mid-high.
But for the idle,it's just not enough.
It made the ride better but still torturing.
So has anyone ever plugged a Teka to a raptor to check if it's working?
Also if anyone has the suzuki-cagiva plug I'm paying postage to and from me and a beer for your effort.
I cant even sell the bike like that,because the moment someone rides it,he's gonna notice.
As my last solution I will get a power commander.
I guess one from a sv650 will work.But I cant afford to spent 400 euros right now.
Please help a fellow raptor owner!
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