E-Book published by biker...heaven help us!

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E-Book published by biker...heaven help us!

Post by Hairy_Mark »

the mad one's back. I thought I might let you all know that I've published a book on Amazon Kindle. Sci-Fi, what else? If you know me, you'll realise that it ain't regular sci-fi. It contains my own blend of engineering, psychology and humour. I've got the go-ahead to tell you about it from the bosses (Sheebee, Snap, etc), so why not?

Ah, hell, I don't just want to publicise...that's not me. What might be better is to give you a snippet that nobody else has seen. Now, I've got to be careful here, because I caused mayhem with my post about embarrassing sexual incidents and this beastie is definitely adult material, it's also deeply disturbing in parts, ...let me think...Ow! It's hard work thinking. Okay, here goes...I think this bit may be taken off the site, but it was written largely to show the true horror of nuclear warfare. Some of the narrative that precedes it is far worse, but realistic.

***Summoning Empire : Marcus Canon, Ch. 17. Fishers Of Men (some not very good) : Extract.*********

"This is the best bit. It's so moving." Thorne said this as Kallis saw a shot of a slab of stone that had been at the edge of the township. "Do you see how the heat-cracked stone is largely red, but there are four darker patches. Believe it or not, those are the shadows cast by four small children, as they were atomised by the initial radiation. Tiny pieces of them, etched permanently into the stone, as they played. It's so poetic."
Thorne released his tight grip on Kallis's head, after the screen went black. He came around and stood between the young man and the media centre. "Look at me, lad!" Kallis looked. He was astonished to see that Gyllian Thorne also had tears in his eyes. "Oh, yes. I cry too. I weep sometimes at night, when I think of it. But I will do it again. You see, once you do something like that, it eats into your soul. You despise it and yet you crave more. The missile was only small. Fission, not fusion, so it is necessarily limited by the critical mass. But it's dirtier. You know, detonating such devices close to the ground was made illegal. How daft is that? You can sometimes legally kill thousands or millions of people, so long as you do it with a clean air-burst and as a legitimate act of war!" He laughed again, but this time the sound was harsh and forced. "The planet we are heading for has given me a reason to satisfy that lust again. You will witness it...no, better still...you can have the honour of ordering the warhead to detonate. Then you will know how it feels to be a God...and to wish that you were not."
Gyllian Thorne wheeled away and went to his cabin for the remainder of the journey. The other two did the same. Kallis was left alone. He went to the lavatory and was violently sick. He could not eliminate the charred remnants of humanity from his mind...and he could not help but think that one day, that would be his own fate. Somehow he had to get away from Thorne. If he died in the process, then that was beginning to seem preferable to living like this.

**** that's about all I dare to put on the site************

If you like it, buy it. If you are shocked by it, join me, but it's true. That happened at Hiroshima and more. I describe it all in the book. Nothing justified Hiroshima, let alone doing it twice. Little Boy? what an ironic name for a device that slaughtered thousands.

I could post more and some of it is way more humorous. Maybe I chose this bit because I think that bikers are basically more caring than people give tham credit for.

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The author has recently been declared sane.
He thanks Dr Foster for this and hopes his
clothes dry out after the puddle incident.
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Re: E-Book published by biker...heaven help us!

Post by shebee »

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: looks well from the extract... Hope it sells well for you xxx
Twisted Tequila Sister
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Re: E-Book published by biker...heaven help us!

Post by Hairy_Mark »

There is a time that all of us have to be honest and realise that our dishonesty does not just harm others but prevents us from being who we want to be. No quote, just my opinion.

Buddha apparently once said :

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single flame
And its life will not be shortened.
Likewise happiness is never decreased
By being shared.

Yeah, I'm human!
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The author has recently been declared sane.
He thanks Dr Foster for this and hopes his
clothes dry out after the puddle incident.
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Re: E-Book published by biker...heaven help us!

Post by Hairy_Mark »

Not sure, since ther have been few replies. You see, part way through writing Summoning Empire, I watched a documentary about Hiroshima and Nagasaki that stunned me. I felt that I had to protest somehow. So I wrote it into the book. Gyllian Thorne is not a good man, but he's mixed up. He detonated a fission bomb and has suffered for it ever since. The first bit I posted is maybe not graphic enough. here's more...Don't forget that Gyllian Thorne is an industrial magnate and that poor Kallis is his reluctant servant...

*********Summoning Empire, Marcus Canon.********

A torrential downpour began, extinguishing some of the many fires that were now raging. The rain was black. It was also radioactive. Ironically, the death that it would cause was partly facilitated by water from the living bodies that the blast had already snuffed out. Black water ran down every surface. Legion had been protected by its shields and had been moving closer, now that the worst of the blast was over. At this point, Legion hovered at the height that its deadly cargo had detonated. Kallis gasped as he watched the close-ups of the devastated settlement. Not everyone was dead. Not yet, anyway. Maybe they had been in deep cellars, protected from most of the infrared and gamma rays. At first one person was seen, then another. They did not look human. They were black and naked, their clothes having burned away. Burnt shreds of skin dangled from them and fell away. Their eyes were bulging. Their faces swollen hideously. It was not possible to guess if they were male or female, so badly distorted were their bodies. They were trying to drink the black poisoned water that fell from the mushroom cloud above. It was probably not this that killed them. They had been too badly radiation burnt to have lasted much longer anyway. The black rain fell down their equally ebon faces. The camera followed their pitiful progress, as they attempted to find safety from the hell that they found themselves in. One fell still, a pathetic and torn remnant of humanity, lying in the ruins. Legion was drawing closer. Close enough now to begin adding audio from directional microphones. It was incredible how silent everything was, without the usual birdsong and a million other things that assail our ears constantly, so that we don't notice them. The silence here was terrible.

Kallis could not keep the tears from his eyes, though he was desperately fighting against them. He dreaded to think what Thorne would make of such a sign of weakness. He tried not to look at any of the others in the lounge, but De-Kloet caught his eye. Her lips were tightly drawn. Her face was lined with suppressed anger. She did not approve. She saw his look and quickly turned her head away. Kallis looked down at the deck. Thorne came around behind him and forced his head back up, so that he had to watch the final anguish being played out on the screen. Legion was so close now that her audio sensors were picking up sound. It was eerily silent, other than the crackling and popping of small fires and the ragged breathing and strange mewling of the lone, pitiful survivor.

It took a hideous amount of time for the second and last survivor to die. The screen focused on its face and body the whole time. How it was walking at all was impossible to tell, most of its deeper flesh must have been at least partly cooked. It stumbled blindly over a charred wooden stump, all that remained of one of the buildings. It ripped a portion of its leg away on the hardened, burnt wood. Fresh screams of agony burbled from between its bloated lips as it smacked suddenly onto the seared ground. The black rain mingled with fresh red blood as it poured over the scorched and torn limb. Soon, the redness, the victim's only mark of humanity, was eradicated by the overwhelming mass of thick black fluid. The victim finally managed to move into a forlorn foetal huddle. Kallis thought that he saw the remnants of its genitalia. He guessed that it had been male, but with all the folded and hanging flesh around its lower torso, he still could not be sure. It shuddered and finally lay still. The camera panned out and the small black figure soon merged with the rest of the carnage. Kallis was thankful for that
The scene was then edited into a series of shots of the aftermath. Even miles away, animals stumbled blindly around, poisoned by the radioactive fall-out. Closer to the epicentre, charcoal carcases lay in amongst the flattened trees.

*******The end of a few lives*****

I can put some more humorous bits on if people want that.

You may like Aladdin and Thrax.

Marcus Canon.
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The author has recently been declared sane.
He thanks Dr Foster for this and hopes his
clothes dry out after the puddle incident.
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Re: E-Book published by biker...heaven help us!

Post by Red Mist »

Started reading with some enthusiasm because I like Sci-fi and I like stuff that's off the wall. It looks a bit too gory for me though. It's well written, but I'm really not into the imagery. I've had my own visions of hell and I don't like to go there if I can avoid it.

Hope it sells well for you though. It looks like the ideal stocking filler this Chrimbo!
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Re: E-Book published by biker...heaven help us!

Post by AZ »

Very thought provoking stuff that stirs up some of the very descriptive conversations i recently had with a mates father who was in the 1st landing of british aid troops to Nagasaki after the bomb.
You have a skill with descriptive text that makes you want to read on and also puts you inside the persona of the character.I will be seeking this out in the new year when we are buying a kindle.Good on yer Mark and wish you every success.
NOTE; bikes do not have air brakes,lofting the front wheel will have an effect on a bikes braking efficiency.
dont arf get the adrenalin pumpin tho!!!
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Re: E-Book published by biker...heaven help us!

Post by mandie82 »

oo just my type of book.. I dont have a kindle :x :x cant you get a paper version printed???
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Re: E-Book published by biker...heaven help us!

Post by shedmonkey »

Good stuff Mark hope it goes well. Maybe your next title might be "Zen and the art of powder coating your raptor"
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Re: E-Book published by biker...heaven help us!

Post by shebee »

shedmonkey wrote:Good stuff Mark hope it goes well. Maybe your next title might be "Zen and the art of powder coating your raptor"

and the follow up ... zen and the clockwork orange
Twisted Tequila Sister
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